
Blog Lurking

I have been blog jumping today, I love looking at other peoples blogs, especially creative people, they always post there projects, I love looking, but I never leave a comment on people I don't know. Seems kinda creepy leaving a comment for someone I don't know, but I think I will.
I hate that I hardly have any comments on my blog, seems like I am talking to myself LOL

On another note. I heard this morning that the family of the young girl that was killed at the school in Colorado asked that in honor of there daughter that you do a Random Act of Kindness. I think that is a great idea. so everyone that reads this blog, help Emily's memory live on. RAK someone in the next week. You be surprised how good it makes you feel.

Please keep her family and all the children involved in your prayers this week.

1 comment:

Izzy said...

You aren't talking to yourself! I check in to see what's new with you quite often... I dont' always leave a comment but hey... I'm lurking! :) LOL

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