
2 Posts in 1 Day

I almost forgot ,I received my 6 x 12 album in the mail yesterday from http://www.scrapbook.com/ I talked about this on my Nov. 3rd post

I am ready ready ready.

I had made the decision to do a 30 day album. Which means we picked a month and we are suppose to take a picture a day and scrapbook it every day for a month. The album I ordered is red canvas. It's a lot nicer than I thought it was going to be, I am way excited.

I try not to challenge myself too much, as I always seem to not complete things I start. So I got my friends Izzy involved-I need someone to be accountable to.

We have a challenge for anyone that is interested, December is the month

Come On You can Do It, It is only one picture a day!!!!


Izzy said...

My album isn't here yet! but I'm ready to give this challenge a shot!

Wendy said...

Yeah!! I am so excited, think we should get Shell involved????????

Jolene George said...

You picked a hard time of year to do that. Good luck with it. It really sounds like fun!

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