
Quick Blog

Ok, a few people have questions about the challenge.

All you have to do is the following:
  1. Decide on a month (we decided on December)
  2. Take (1) picture a day and scrap it.
  3. That's it-You have a whole album done.

You do not have to scrap them every day, you could do them at the end or as you go along.

I just thought it would be fun. Saw the challenge in simple scrapbooks newsletter I think

Elizabeth Dillow took one photo each day for a month to create an album that gives a wonderful glimpse at her day-to-day life. Check out her album, and see how she used a calendar stamp to create a unifying embellishment. Take a peek inside Elizabeth's album.

I got my album from www.scrapbook.com it's a 6 x 12. so really I am only scrapping a half a page a day. LOL

You could call it a month in the Life of...........

You can do it.....Jolene......... it's only a little challenge!! LOL

Also wanted to share this little sentimant I found on Jody Ferlaak's bloghttp://www.jodyferlaak.blogspot.com, it's so true. Can you tell I like how she colors her words?

Faith is believing in advance, what will only make sense in reverse


Jan said...

Ok, I think I can do this! I just need someone to remind me for the first week... until I get into the habit! LOL!

Jolene George said...

OKAY! I'm in too...I want reminders in the beginning too. :o)

Wendy said...

Yeah!!! I am so proud of you both

You can Do it Yes you Can, Yes you Can!!!

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