
Well, It's finally Friday. This has been a very long week, it's picked up a bit at work, so the days went by rather quickly. Blogger has been freaky today and wouldn't let me comment on everyones blog. Sorry, didn't want ya'll to think I was ignoring you.
Samantha's party is tomorrow.Friends and Family. Lots of FUN!
Then I am off for a whole week-yes 7 whole days of vacation WOO HOO! Nothing planned, but lots of time with the kids and DH. Hope to use my Mother's Day gift in there somewhere.

**July 7th is the church picnic
**July14 th is my next crop
**July 19th is my 22 anniversary to man I Love!
**July 20-22 CONVENTION
Hope Everyone has a great weekend. Safe travels to Shell and Izzy!!
We'll miss you in Utah IZZY!! {{hugs}}


Jan said...

Hope you had a nice, relaxing weekend!! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the good travel wishes - we are having a blast!! Enjoy your break too!

Izzy said...

Enjoy your week off and I hope you get to pamper yourself. Thanks for the travel wishes... I'm on countdown! I'll miss seeing everyone in Utah too :) {{hugs right back at ya!}}

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