
A recap of my day:
  • Woke up at 6:30, been doing it so long I wake up automatically.
    Posted 27 items on E-Bay, Thanks you Shell and Shelley for the inspiration. That took forever!
  • Took Mark to lunch at Burger King
  • Had his new birthday watch adjusted at the jewelry store
  • Put up and semi decorated the Christmas tree and attempted to decorate my house
  • Baby sat the neighbors son for about an hour he's 3 it felt like 5 hours
  • Loaded my car for my crop tomorrow
  • Did 4 loads of laundry

  • Then I check my mail and I have this Spam Mail! Do I want to be a CSI? What do ya'll think should I sign up?
Did you wake up today and decide you want to make a difference?
Protection from terror and crime is at the forefront of society.You can be there too!
Our country needs:> Police Officers> Crime Scene Technicians> Private Investigators> Parole Officers> Armed Security and many more...Training is starting now!

Hope everyone had a productive day!

Happy Holidays!


Shelley Moore said...

Way to go Wendy! I se eyou've jumped on the "Make me lok bad" bandwagon, LOL! Seriously - great job getting all that done! I've been trying to clean my scrap room all day today, but it's been slow going! Maybe better luck tomorrow!

RealRach said...

I love decorating for Christmas. Every year our tree HAS to be up for my Birthday. We made this year as well with a few days to spare.

Whatcha got up on ebay?? Link please!

Jan said...

Wow! You've been a busy ebay girl! Good for you!

We put our tree up today!! I'll share pics as soon as I get my laptop back. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I got my tree from the Barn to the Shogo garage. I am hoping my son will help me put it up on Wednesday. It will be the first year I have it up before December!!

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