
Chicken-Chicken & More Chicken

Sorry about the picture quality, Mark took this with his cell phone as I forgot my camera.
The story is my church has a fried chicken dinner every year, this year we are selling 600 plates, keep in mind my church has a regular attendance of about 75 on sunday.
So I get this fantastic deal on chicken breasts (.88 cents a pound) so mom says, I will clean it and bag it for you after you get it. OK I say
I picked it up yesterday all 34 cases of chicken GOOD GRIEF!!
Pictured are Mom, Deb and Me.
Mark was such a big help, believe it or not he cleaned almost as much as we did. And special thanks to Jack for being the runner and for getting us finished up by 10.
Needless to say we were exhausted!! There were lots of laughs(always with mom around)
Thanks everyone your the BEST!!


Judi said...

I wish I was there to help. It sounds like you all had fun!!

Missy Glave said...

LOL ... okay ... so touching raw chicken is not a favorite thing of mine. So glad you had some help doing this!

It's nice to catch up on your blog!

Izzy said...

34 cases!! Good Grief is an understatement... I'm not surprized you are exhausted.

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