The sun is shinning, it's a beautiful day!
Look what came in the mail yesterday
These are just 2 of the 4 new kits.
I joined a swap using the urban kit on the left, I am suppose to make 8 cards for a swap. Hope to get started on those soon.
My mom ordered the New Hybrid Kit. Don't have a tracking date on that yet. Now I found out deactivated consultant can reenlist and get the amazing Hybrid kit, my husband is one of them. HHHMMM..... May just have to do that $360.00 worth of product for $90.0 WOW
Right now I am trying to get things ready for a big event in June. Hope to move alot of product. Mom is going to help, we always have soo much fun. Plus I think my cousin Pam is going with us this year, so my jaws are sure to hurt from all the laughing.I can hardly wait till convention in July, It is going to be soo hot in Utah. I miss all my home girls, can't wait to see them. This blogging thing is a terriffic way to keep up with one another. I have learned so much about everyone.
I hope everyone is having a Good week. Happy Wednesday!!!
I love these kits. What are they called again? How do I order tham.
Hot Momma
They are called Runway 2. They can be ordered right from the website. Just log in with your consultant information and order away. there is Runway 1 and Runway 2. They also come in digital
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