Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Marisa, Happy Birthday to You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Niece Marisa's 12th Birthday is today, so cake and ice cream will be eaten tonight!!
Tomorrow Mitch and I are off for a day together. We will be going to the LPGA golf tournament in Wiliamsburg. I have a friend who plays. So we always try to get up there to cheer her on. GO BRANDIE!! T-time is early early. So I will deposit the children at there assigned stops, my MIL so graciously offered to pick them up, so we are off to spend a little time together. (love that)Last night my car decided to cause me problems, so some time today I must take it to the doctor. The driver side window is broken. Not very warm at 6:30am. I am sure it will cost no less than a fortune to get it repaired.
Hope to take Mark shopping for summer clothes, sometime this weekend. Samantha has a game at 9:00 am Saturday morning.
And of course Mother's Day is Sunday. Having my mom and sister over for lunch or dinner not sure which. Also not sure which day. LOL Then we are watching Because I said so with Diane Keaton and Mandy Moore Great Movie..........
Very busy weekend! So today is my Friday at work YEAH!!!
Happy Thursday Everyone!!
So sorry about the car porblems.
I hope you had a great mothers day.
I just love your Blog site. Keep it up
Hot Momma
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