
My Layers


1. Name: Wendy
2. Birth date: November 9th 1964
3. Birthplace: Rochester, NH
4. Current Location: Suffolk, VA.
5. Eye Color: --Brown
6. Hair Color: Light Brown with a little help from Preference
7. Height: 5' 8"
8. Righty or Lefty: Right
9. Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


1. Your heritage: I have no idea, but I plan on investigating that.
2. The shoes you wore today: Croc flip flops
3. Your weakness: anything on sale
4. Your fears: big spiders
5. Your perfect pizza: Supreme no onions
6. Goal you’d like to achieve: Make it through each day


1. Your most overused phrase on AIM: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. Your first waking thoughts: I wish I didn't have to work today
3. Your best physical feature: legs?
4. What you miss the most: I miss being young and having no worries!!


1. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
2. McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonald's
3. Single or group dates: I would settle for any kind of date!!!
4. Adidas or Nike: Nike
5. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Don't drink tea unless I have to
6. Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla


1. Smoke?: yes
2. Cuss?: yes
3. Sing?: In the car by myself or when I am cleaning the house with my ipod on jammin!
4. Take a shower everyday?: Yes,
5. Do you think you’ve been in love?: Yes
6. Want to go to college: no
7. Liked high school?: somewhat
8. Want to get married?: Been married 23 years
9. Believe in yourself: Always
10. Get motion sickness: no
11. Think you’re attractive: sometimes, I think attractive comes from within as much as out
12. Think you’re a health freak: No
13. Get along with your parent(s): yes
14. Like thunderstorms: not really
15. Play an instrument: No.

LAYER SIX: In the past month…

1. Drank Alcohol: no.
2. Smoked: yes
3. Done a drug: no
4. Made out: no
5. Gone on a date?: No
6. Gone to the mall: yes
7. Eaten an entire box of Oreos: never
8. Eaten sushi: yes
9. Been on stage: no
10. Been dumped: No
11. Gone skating: no.
12. Made homemade cookies: no
13. Gone skinny dipping: no
14. Dyed your hair: no
15. Stolen anything: no


1. Played a game that required removal of clothing, and if so, was it mixed company: no
2. Been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: yes.
3. Been caught “doing something”?: Yes
4. Been called a tease?: No
5. Gotten beaten up?: No,
6. Shoplifted?: Yes,
7. Changed who you were just to fit in?: Yes, I have always tried to fit in.


1. Age you hope to be married?: I was 21
2. Numbers and Names of Children?: Mark age 15/ Samantha age 8
3. Describe your Dream Wedding?: On a beach anywhere
4. How do you want to die?: In my sleep.
5. Where you want to go to college?: Never really wanted to go to college.
6. What do you want to be when you grow up?: An adult! LOL
7. What country would you most like to visit?: Greece


1. Number of people I could trust with my life?: 5 or 6
2. Number of CDs that I own?: 50 or so
3. Number of piercings?: just ears
4. Number of tattoos?: None
5. Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: none that I know of
6. Number of scars on my body?: 3 gallbladder
7. Number of things in my past that I regret?: I don't think I regret anything, I just wish that I had thought things out before making decissions


Judi said...

I love the new layout!! You need to see Mama Mia the whole thing is filmed in Greece. It is beautiful.

Jan said...

This is beautiful!!!! I love the look!!!! That is cool how it slides.

Great blog entry!!!!!

Gary ("Old Dude") said...

I'm sorry if I have been slow getting my comment in, but recovering from a blog page disaster (which I did to myself and I don't want to talk about it), anyway rebuilding as we speak. I like your new page look, you look good in this color> (lol)

Gary (aka old dude)

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